Teacher Training Assessment

Teacher Training Assessment

The criteria for successful completion of the course and the award of QTS, are set out in the Teacher’s Standards, together with detailed procedures for assessment.

Successful Associate Teachers, gaining QTS, will have consistently demonstrated the following

  • High level of attendance (95%+)
  • Consistent achievement of the Teacher Standards for Qualified Teaching Status- recorded on the Progress Tracker
  • Sound teaching ability observed and assessed by the KMT Course Team, mentors and PTs
  • Completion of Reflective Practice (RP) Assignments (RPs 1-3 for Secondary and 1-4 for Primary) demonstrating research and the application of theory into practice, as well as evidence of reflection and target setting
  • Successful completion of training placements
  • Evidence that all the above have been met and recorded in the KMT electronic portfolio

Assessment process

There are no final written examinations for QTS.

Assessments are made by the Course Team, delegated staff, school Professional Tutors, Mentors, Subject Specialists and an External Moderator. Those trainees who study the PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) with Leeds Beckett University, will be assessed entirely by the criteria and assessors at the University. Whilst we will support the process, KMT will not be involved in the assessment of modules for the PGCE.

A successful trainee at the end of the course will be awarded QTS by KMT.

Those opting for the additional PGCE, will have the PGCE awarded separately, by Leeds Beckett University.