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Assessment Only route
to Qualified Teacher Status

Are you an Unqualified Teacher?

Fast Track to QTS in 12 weeks.

Assessment Only (AO) route to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) allows you to demonstrate that you already meet all the Teaching Standards, without the need for any further training.

You'll need to present detailed evidence of your teaching and be assessed in school by KMT Teacher Training. The whole process takes under 12 weeks, often without leaving your current school.

Why choose Assessment Only?

Better job security
& benefits
Improve your salary prospects
Work in both the state and public sectors
Access leadership

QTS without doing a teacher training programme

If you’re an experienced teacher with a degree, and have substantial experience of working in a school, early years, or FE setting, you could gain QTS without doing a teacher training programme.

Perhaps you have been studying for your degree while working, or maybe you have been working as an unqualified teacher for many years after a change in career. If so, then the AO route could be right for you.

For all enquires please get in touch.

Clare Foulsham
KMT Assessment Only Lead
07708 478329

Am I eligible for the Assessment Only route?

Suitable candidates will be experienced teachers able to present detailed evidence of their teaching, hold a Level 6 degree and do not require any additional further training to meet QTS.

All candidates will also be assessed as meeting the Teaching Standards within one of the following age phases:


Ages 5 to 11


Ages 11 to 16
Ages 11 to 19

How is the programme delivered?

A KMT assessor will visit you at your school to observe you and prepare you for the final assessment, which will be carried out by a separate member of the KMT AO team. You will need to gather detailed evidence that you are meeting the Teachers’ Standards. This includes observations by your school mentor and professional tutor, as well as some reflective practice tasks set by us.

Assessment Only course fees

From September 2024, the fee for our Assessment Only route is £3,000 for schools within the consortium and £3,250 for any schools outside of the consortium.

Fees can be paid for by you, or your school, at the start of the programme, in full.

Applying is easy

There is no application window or deadline, and you can apply directly to KMT at any time throughout the academic year. The only condition is that the process must be completed within a continuous 12 week period.

Just complete the form at the bottom of this page to start the process.

Apply for the KMT Assessment Only programme now

    Assessment Only route to Qualified Teacher Status
    Article Name
    Assessment Only route to Qualified Teacher Status
    If you’re an experienced teacher with a degree, and have substantial experience of working in a school, early years, or FE setting, you could gain QTS without doing a teacher training programme.
    Publisher Name
    KMT Teacher Training
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